haSepharadi - Plugin, Theme, and Widget Development A journal website for the Sephardic Jewish community and tradition. The site was built with WordPress and the Genesis Framework. I developed all functional components of the website from scratch, and rendered the pre-existing design into actual live code Live Site: https://hasepharadi.com Project highlights Wrote the PHP, Javascript, and CSS from scratch Developed widgets for Affiliate Links, Authors Box, and Zemannim (Jewish prayer times) Utilized HTML5 Geolocation and Google Maps APIs to retrieve user’s location in widgets Diagnosed technical issues, reduced load times, and implemented backups & upgrades Project Gallery haSepharadi homepage The homepage features a chronological list of article excerpts, relevant to the Sephardic Jewish tradition. Upon viewing the for the first time, the user is asked for location permission for the Zemannim (Jewish prayer times) widget on the sidebar. If the user declines, the widget calculates based on IP address instead. Zemannim Widget (Jewish Prayer Times) Widget Repo: https://github.com/lunacodes/zemannimThe widget calculates the times for Jewish daily prayer, fasting, holidays, and other significant observances. Additionally, it provides the assigned weekly Torah reading for every upcoming Shabbat or holiday. The widget uses a combination of geolocation and solar calculations. See repo for full details. Author Affiliate Links Links to other works by the author of a given article. The links are initially entered in the author's profile in the back-end, and then displayed on the sidebar Events Calendar - Monthly View A calendar-style layout of all the events in a given month. The user can hover over each event for a preview, and click through for the full event info. Event List for May 2020 The events calendar is sortable by monthly or daily views. The view shows an excerpt for any events that day, which the user can then click for full details. Single Event Page The full event details for a single event. Each listing includes a poster image, description, map, and other relevant details, pulled in from external sources. The events can be exported to other calendar feeds. Footer Widgets A set of widgets display recent posts, a call to get involved, a donation option, and a short mission statement. Authors Box A selection of 6 authors from the articles on the site. The authors are chosen at random, upon page load, ensuring that all authors will be displayed at different times.